
My goal is to run the entire thing – no walking.

I started training for a 5k about 6 weeks ago.  I’m surprised that I can now run about 15 minutes straight!  It isn’t fast running, but its something more than I could do before.

My race is coming up on December 10, it’s the YuleFest 5K in Cambridge.  I get a cool hat for registering, but I’d rather save a couple bucks of the $40 and not get it.  No complaints though.

I’ve been training by trail running when I can and going to the gym and running on the treadmill when I can’t.  I ran on the road on Thanksgiving which was a bit easier than I thought it would be.

Today I was supposed to run, but I was just too low.  It’s hard to get the motivation sometimes to even get out of bed.  How can I expect to be an athlete and surround myself with athletic people when I can’t even muster up the ability to get out of bed in the morning?  I don’t know anyone else who has been in my situation.  Athletically inclined but having major depression.  I wonder how people normally find the motivation to go outside?  To get dressed? To eat?

I wonder sometimes if the voice in my head telling me things are too hard and to stop will ever be hushed by my medications.  Or maybe I can will them to stop.  Sometimes I can if I’m having a good day, but lately they’re screaming instead of whispering.

I find that having friends who like to do the same things I do helps a bit.  They invite me to go places and I feel obligated in order to keep the friendship.  Lately I’ve been getting a lot of invites to ride bikes which is great, but also stressing me out.

Either way, I singed up for a 5K and now I have to commit.

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