Birthday Hike to Low’s Bald Spot

Birthday Hike to Low’s Bald Spot

Sunday was Andrew’s birthday and he came up to Pinkham Notch to visit for the day.  We started off his birthday celebration by hiking up to Low’s Bald Spot.  It was a great 3.5 hour hike and I was feeling stronger than ever.

This time hiking on Old Jackson Road was SO much easier!  I’ve been getting stronger and stronger every day that I do at least a little hike.  This time I didn’t need to take so many breaks and if I did take a break to catch my breath it wasn’t for a very long time.  No more shaking out my calves every quarter-mile like last time!

The trail itself even looked different to me, not only because of some snow-less sections, but perspective-wise it seemed as though all of the hills that killed my legs looked smaller now.  They certainly seemed smaller as I hiked up them, so maybe I am hiking at a slightly faster rate too.  I just hope I can get to hike at a pace that is the same as all of my friends’ here.  I want to be able to breeze on by some of these hills just like they do.

Very cool fallen wavy tree.
Very cool fallen wavy tree.

When Andrew and I got to the top we had a nice little lunch and took some pictures.  The hike back down was a breeze and it was nice to be able to take off the snowshoes every so often and hike just in boots.

Next time he visits we are going to hike up to Square Ledge and to Lost Pond.  Maybe we’ll get to see the Glen Ellis Falls as well.

A baby tree growing inside a dead tree. Tree-ception!
A baby tree growing inside a dead tree. Tree-ception!

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Bini

    I like the reflection of the camera in your sunglasses, nice camera angle.

    1. Christina

      This was the only way we could take the picture. My thumb kept getting in the way!

  2. Laurie Thompson

    I am so glad your feeling better, ask Andrew about the cake…

    1. Christina

      Cake! I will have to ask him tonight. Why didn’t he bring me a piece?

      1. Laurie Thompson

        He took 3/4 s of the cake up there for got it in the back of his car! So excited to co.e see you he for got it!

      2. Laurie Thompson

        He took 3/4 s of the cake up there forgot it in the back of his car! So excited to see you he for got it!

        1. Christina

          I can forgive him then. We should make more cake when I get back to celebrate my new bicycle!

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