New Journey

Recently let go from my job…I wonder what I’m going to do next.  I’m not really sure which way I’m going to go, but I know where I want to be in the future.  And that’s grad school for physics.

I’ll start studying now for grad school but I also want to do things to keep my body occupied.  I’m going to start taking care of myself for real this time and for the long term.  

I wasn’t really aware what damage I was doing to my body by staying at a job I absolutely hated.  Sitting non-stop for 8-10 hours a day is awful.  I had a standing-desk but what I really wanted was to be outside.  I’ve slowly gained more weight than I’d like to mention on here.

I don’t know what irreversible damage I’ve done, but I’m going to do my best to fix the rest.  I have to get down to where I was before, but in a healthy way.  I’ll keep tabs of it on here.  My weight loss, gains, food, reps, everything.

So far this is what I have

  • Weight 210 lbs
  • Height 63 inches
  • BMI 37.2
  • Calories for weight loss 1570/day

At this rate I should be losing a pound a week.  That means I will reach my goal weight of 120 pounds in 90 weeks or on Friday June 14, 2019.

Well, that seems pretty far away.  I’ll check in along the way and see how that goes.  I’m optimistic for now.


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